We offer detailed and understandable answers to frequently asked questions about speech therapy, helping you to make decisions and understand situations.


A child is typically expected at 18 months (1.5 years old) to be able to say around 20 words.
At 2 years of age he or she is verbally capable of making two-word sentences.
By the age of 3 years his speech can be understood by strangers.
It is important to observe both our child’s extra-verbal communication and his ability to understand what we say.
However, as long as the ability to express himself is delayed, even if the comprehension is good, it is advisable to consult a specialist.

*Data from ADHD HELLAS

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by decreased levels of inattention, disorganization and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity. Its main feature is the persistent presence of inattention and/or hyperactivity, behaviours that have a suppressive effect on the individual’s functioning and psychosocial development (APA 2017)

It is distinguished into two types. The impulsivity type and the inattention type


  • Type of impulsivity*
    • Δυσκολεύεται να παραμείνει καθισμένος/η
    • Difficulty remaining seated
    • Wiggles arms, legs, or twists in the chair
    • Always looks around and teases others
    • Stands up when not allowed
    • Runs and climbs excessively
    • Does not think before reacting
    • Answers before the question is completed
    • Talks all the time
    • Has difficulty waiting his turn
    • Does not follow rules in games
    • Interrupts or disturbs others


  • Type of Disrespect
    • Cannot concentrate
    • Easily distracted by irrelevant stimuli
    • Does not seem to listen
    • Does not pay attention to details
    • Makes careless mistakes
    • Has difficulty following instructions
    • Avoids tasks that require systematic mental effort
    • Forgets schoolwork
    • Loses things
    • Is generally disorganised

*Data from ADHD HELLAS

By articulation disorder we mean the child’s difficulty in correctly producing a phoneme when the expected age of production has passed.

For example:
/l/ instead of /r/ : lodi instead of pomegranate
/g/ instead of /d/: tree instead of tree
/θ/ instead of /σ/: thupa instead of soup

Usually these variations in words sound cute, however it is extremely important to help our child smooth out this difficulty. It is very important for parents to know that a child’s speech should be completely clear before the child goes to the first grade!

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